Premier institution with classes from Nursery to Senior Secondary Level

A Word to Parents  

Dear Parents,
The school will not achieve its objective of imparting quality education unless the parents extend their unreserved co-operation. The early years of the child are the most formative ones and only the co-operative efforts of both the teachers and parents can help children to cultivate healthy habits and disciplined attitude to life.

You are requested to help your child with small things at home and this will enable him/her to learn at school without fear or tears. You can also contribute them by:

  1. Setting their school bags as per time table daily.
  2. Checking their school Diary to get connected with the school.
  3. Sending them in proper uniform every day.
  4. If your child is absent kindly send information well in time.
  5. Teaching your child good etiquettes and manners.
  6. Giving small responsibilities at home.
  7. Informing us beforehand about any serious problem related to your child.
  8. Own school as yours and any problem concerning the education of your child be brought to the notice of the class teacher or Principal without hesitation.
  9. Always remember the days of parent-teacher meetings and find time to attend them.
  10. Not entering the classroom of your ward for any reason without proper permission from the head of the institution.
  11. Please ensure that all articles and personal belongings of the child bear his/her name class section etc.
  12. A minimum advance 24 hours in the form of a written application to the Office is imperative for issuing any certificate, such certificates are, however, issued only during the working hours on class days after verifying the clearance of all dues.
  13. Parents are requested not to give any money to the peons/ayas. If in an emergency this has to be resorted to please insist on its receipt from the class teacher through the school diary.
  14. Private tuitions by the school teachers are discouraged. Parents are requested not to approach them for this purpose.
  15. Please do not insist on taking your child from school during working hours. He/She may be kept at home if his/her presence is required there.
  16. In an emergency, the child will be allowed to go home when desired by the Parents only with the person who is authorized by them in writing.
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Email: davibthermal@rediffmail.com
Phone: O6645-291074 (office)
Website: www.davpsbanharpali.org

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